Dreaming about moving all those things off the garage floor? Chubby Hubby can do it for you. With a bit of common sense planning, some knowledge and the right tools you can have some fully functional shelving that will increase your storage capacity, will clear your garage floor and most important, won’t be in the way of parking your car inside.

Few things to keep in mind if you plan on doing it yourself:
- Design the shelves accordingly to what you want to put on them. You can think about some general dimensions but make sure they will fit your boxes and things you may want to store
- Make sure you have enough clearance for the garage door to open safely and to park your cars
- Try to put your brackets into the studs for enhanced support
- Always keep in mind what material you want to use for the shelves. If you buy some wood or plywood that is 8 feet long you don’t want to design shelves 9 feet long because you will have a lot of losses.
- Use a level at every step of the project to make sure your shelves are straight
- and….
- If you want to make sure your shelves are sturdy enough, proceed with caution and try them yourself 🙂